Leadership development with business impact


Since 1999, Per Klingenberg has assisted numerous corporations in achieving better business results. Through Executive Coaching and comprehensive business-driven leadership development programs anchored at boardroom level, he has created significant impact for his clients.

Having advised over 3,500 leaders, ranging from C-level Executives to middle managers, Per stands out as one of Denmark’s most seasoned Executive Coaches. Renowned for his business acumen, integrity, and proficiency in delivering bespoke leadership development with quantifiable business outcomes, he has garnered a reputation for excellence.

Per holds an academic foundation as a business psychologist, having earned an M.A. in Psychology with a specialization in organizational change processes. Since 1985, he has been immersed in the domains of management and human resource development within organizations – initially as a corporate executive and since 1999 as an external consultant and owner of Klingenberg Consult.


  • Individual programs that offer executives a confidential space for discussing topics of personal and professional relevance to their roles.

    Such exchanges with an experienced sparring partner with a strong background in business psychology, provide valuable insight, inspiration, as well as constructive opposition. This, in turn, has a significant positive impact on the executive’s development and performance.

  • In these programs, we delineate the leadership behaviors essential for the organization to achieve its business objectives in a specific area. Following a thorough assessment of the current state, Per Klingenberg works closely with the organization to implement activities that foster the necessary development.

    The programs are distinguished by

    • Being grounded in the business goals of the corporation and its current capacity to attain them.

    • Having a solid foundation in business psychology, commercial insight, and extensive practical experience to ensure effectiveness

    • Demonstrating a well-documented and substantial business impact.

  • Drawing on his extensive experience in business-driven leadership development, Per Klingenberg has spearheaded the creation of eFFECT, a web-based analytics tool.

    This innovative platform allows for the mapping of correlations between specific leadership behaviors, business performance, and employee satisfaction within an organization.

    With eFFECT, effective leadership within the organization can be quantitatively described. It enables the evaluation of current behaviors exhibited by leaders and management teams in relation to this quantitative data. Consequently, key focus areas can be identified, and their development can be measured over time.

  • Being appreciated and validated is a fundamental human need - but top executives also need qualified, constructive opposition. Competent sparring partners who are independent of the organizational hierarchy can be the source of essential realizations.

    — Per Klingenberg

  • More is not always more. There is a limit above which increased employee satisfaction does not lead to better performance. Knowing this limit enables you to allocate your resources productively

    — Per Klingenberg

  • Tests are a useful tool, but a person’s potential can often be assessed with greater precision in a natural corporate setting.

    — Per Klingenberg

  • Leadership development programmes which do not meet specific business needs may be quite entertaining. But they rarely constitute a productive investment for the corporation in question.

    — Per Klingenberg

  • Tests are a useful tool, but a person’s business potential can often be assessed with greater precision in a natural corporate setting

    — Per Klingenberg

  • In order for teams to create synergy, they need specific task skills. Such skills seldom emerge spontaneously around a campfire.

    — Per Klingenberg

  • If corporate profits were related to post-programme applause, this country would boast a world-class economy. Obviously, though, a leadership development programme is only valuable if the participants go back to work, acting differently and better than they used to.

    — Per Klingenberg